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Musing #30: 101

Milestones are an important cornerstone of any human endeavour, though it seems to be best valued in competitive landscapes involving sports. I wouldn’t consider blogging in the same ballpark but a numerical milestone needs to be acknowledged nonetheless.

I am of course speaking of the number of posts breaking in to the 3-digit mark. A keen eye would immediately notice that this post is the one after the century mark and the title acknowledges it as such. The idea is to mark the beginning of the next century rather than celebrate the old. Even then, I can’t help analyse what’s already in the past.

My target has always been to post once per weekend or numerically 0.5 posts per weekend day. As it turns out, the 100th post was posted on the 129th weekend day at an average of 0.78 posts per weekend day. I guess I can live with that and aspire to perhaps hit 1 post per weekend day. Whether that happens is to be seen because I prefer to focus on quality rather than quantity which in turn ends taking up more time, somewhat of a precious entity on holidays.

I hope to be able to continue writing regularly for time to come, irrespective of the circumstances. However, the content is rarely pre-meditated and often follows a chain of thought (or purchase!). Hence, I am excited as much as anyone else in terms of uncovering what the future holds.

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